Head Office: 01462 833 370
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Neil Grice MRICS

Managing Director
01462 833 374
07768 773 892
01462 833 370

Neil is a Chartered Surveyor, founding Director and current Managing Director of GCL. Since the inception of GCL Neil has become one of the foremost experts in Food and Beverage retailing in the UK. Neil was one of the very early advocates of using turnover rents and is credited with fashioning the term “Maximum Affordable Rent” which is more important today than it has ever been. Neil is an advocate that the role of the Agency Surveyor role particularly when advising landlords is far more than just securing a deal. The tenant mix, overall environments, the sum always being bigger than the parts and a continuous dialogue with tenants is something Neil has practised for many years. He believes that the working relationship between landlord and tenants is one which provides support and structure and should be a asset in challenging times and not a liability .

Neil has also for many years advocated for agents to be expert in the reading and understanding of profit and loss accounts so that with each unit let there has been a robust and professional assessment of the likely level of trades achievable by the tenant and the deal is formulated from that assessment.

More and more often his appointment by clients is to provide overall advice and a clear strategy for ensuring the space is well let and stays relevant in the modern retail environment.

Away from work Neil can be found either on a golf course or a cricket pitch and if you look very closely in a gym.

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