We are delighted to announce that Tom Hitchin has joined GCL as a Senior Surveyor and Service Charge Manager. More recently Tom has spent the last 7 years working for Profile Consultancy (now Bellrock) as an Account Manager, advising occupiers of Retail, Hospitality and Leisure premises on Service Charges issues. As you can imagine after 7 years, Tom is an expert in his field and we are delighted to bolster the 'Tenant Services' division of GCL with this latest addition to our team.
If you need advice, or you're just looking for a fresh pair of eyes to audit and challenge your Service Charges to ensure they are fair, reasonable and in line with the terms of your lease please contact Alex Stanhope at astanhope@GCLlimited.com or call 07375 510586 for a no obligation conversation. What have you got to lose?